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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease develops gradually, and starts with mild tremor in one hand. Apart from tremor the illness causes slowing of movement.

People around start noticing that there is no expression on the face and the arms don’t swing when the affected person walks or talks. Speech often becomes soft and mumbling. The symptoms progress with the progress of the Parkinson's disease. There is no permanent cure for the illness but the symptoms can be controlled with medication. The most common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are

  • Tremor

  • Slowed motion (bradykinesia)

  • Rigid muscles

  • Impaired posture and balance

  • Loss of automatic movements

  • Speech changes

  • Dementia

The symptoms of Parkinson's disease are as a result of decreased levels of dopamine, in the brain. This is because the dopamine producing brain cells either die or they are not functioning properly. No research has clearly demonstrated the exact mechanism responsible behind Parkinson's disease.

Risk factors for Parkinson's disease are:

  • Middle or old age

  • Heredity positive family history

  • Sex more common in man

  • Exposure to toxins -- exposure to herbicides and pesticides increases risk of Parkinson's.

Parkinson's disease is often accompanied by these additional problems:

  • Depression.

  • Sleep problems.

  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing.

  • Urinary problems.

  • Constipation

  • Sexual dysfunction.

There are many side effects of medicines used for Parkinson's disease such as involuntary twitching or jerking movements of the arms or legs, hallucinations, sleepiness, and a drop in blood pressure when standing up. The person suffering from Parkinson's disease should be in regular touch with the doctor to get a treatment plan that gives significant relief from symptoms with minimum side effects. Certain lifestyle changes also may help to make living with Parkinson's disease easier.

Healthy eating:
Helps in maintaining good state of health and helps in overcoming indigestion.

Walking with care:
The illness disturbs normal gait hence chances of loosing balance are more. Try to walk slowly, avoid moving faster, and when one feels like loosing balance he should stop immediately and try to achieve balance.

Avoid falls:
Parkinson's disease affects the balance and coordination centers in the brain. To avoid fall don't pivot the body over your feet while turning, try to take a U turn. Avoid leaning too much or try to reach at something by leaning or bending there are chances that you may fall. Do not carry weight while walking.

This is a difficult act in daily routine for people having Parkinson’s disease. The loss of fine-motor control makes it difficult to button and zip clothes, and even to step into a pair of pants. One has to be adequately trained to take necessary care while dressing and undressing.

Parkinson's disease presents special problems because it can cause chemical changes in the brain that make one feel anxious or depressed. And Parkinson's disease can be really troubling in the daily routine as walking, talking and even eating become more difficult and time-consuming.

Role of Homeopathy in Parkinsons disease:

Homeopathy offers constitutional homeopathic treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The symptoms of involuntary tremors can be relived with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic remedies are safe and without side effects. Long term treatment can give better results with homeopathic remedies. Over all state of general well being and emotional disturbances like depressed feeling and irritability may be benefited with homeopathic medicines. Other treatment modalities like physiotherapy and occupational therapy, healthy diet and adequate care by family member plays vital role in the out come of Parkinson’s disease.